The One Thing About Everything

When I was a classroom teacher, there was always a point in discussion where you could sense the students starting to dig in, to commit to a particular hill they were willing to die on. Out came the sophomore socialists to do battle with the freshman free-market capitalists, neither giving an inch of ideological ground or conceding the other side had anything approaching a valid point. It was class struggle versus laissez-faire competition in an ideological death match. There could be only one–one winner, one idea to rule them all.

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Understanding the Essentials of Human Experience

Outsourcing will work for a lot of things we don’t have time to do. But what if the “task” you’re trying to perform is your life?

Unlike preparing a meal or maintaining a car, the work of your life isn’t something you can just hand over to another person. There is no expert on your life except you. While some people know us well, and have insight into our lives, no other person is responsible for how my life turns out except for me. I simply cannot outsource my life to an expert.

So what if we are unsure or confused about how we are supposed to do this work of human life?

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